Who We Are

HomeHelpNH provides at-risk renters and homeowners with resources to help them find the best resolution for their housing situation. We provide access to free, professional, objective homeownership counseling and, for those who qualify, free or low-cost legal advice. This site also provides direct access to apply for the New Hampshire’s Homeowner Assistance Fund Program.

Our network of counselors is available to help at-risk homeowners regain control of their housing situations. They provide the following:

  • Assistance in creating a spending plan
  • Information about available options
  • Assistance with Servicer negotiations
  • Connections to free or low-cost legal assistance for those who qualify
  • Guidance through the pre-foreclosure process
  • Guidance for households who have already experienced a foreclosure

If you are falling behind on your rent payments or utilities, at the home you rent, CLICK HERE.

If you are falling behind on your mortgage payments or other homeownership expenses, CLICK HERE.

We're here to help

Need help applying, or want to talk with a community navigator?

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